A couple years ago, during a lull in freelance writing gigs, I focused on accomplishing a long-time dream, being published in poetry. This is a LONG time dream, forty years in fact, when my freshman English prof (Dr. Elva McAllaster at Greenville College), inspired me to pursue creative writing. But poetry is difficult to write well, and getting published is also very difficult, although I published a few poems in the 1990s. I took a poetry writing class in 2004, from a fellow prof who became a BFF. I've always been an eager reader of poetry, purchasing numerous books by contemporary authors over the years. Finally, in 2012, I began again with experimenting with poetic styles and had a few more poems appear in magazines and journals.
Last summer I entered several poetry submission contests. Though winning none, I was utterly surprised to have a chapbook manuscript accepted. The publisher is Finishing Line Press in Georgetown, KY, God bless 'em. This is the pre-publication period for purchases; the number of sales till June 19th determine the size of the press run.
So if you read this blog post, like poetry, and would kindly purchase a copy, I would consider you a dear person indeed! The poems are on small town themes, with a good dose of spirituality.
Here is the site with early reviews, and a link to the place where you can order your copy.
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